Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Following a false start the KT's will be leaving tomorrow early

The car is loaded and the camper is ready

All tanks are full!

By the time we were ready today it was 2.00pm and it would have been dark by the time we got to Ballarat.   Not wanting to set up in the dark and minus whatever temperature we decided to leave everything loaded and ready and move out early in the morning.

Times are changing, as instead of just a tent and camp gear we have a box of power adapter come chargers for all the gear we have on board plus all the other gear.  Just as well we are travelling light.

Maybe I had better get a roll of cable on the roof to power up all the chargers.

Look out Adelaide we are on the way I think?????


  1. So, KTs, how are those sub-zero temperatures? Lovely ducted heating back here. Missing you already!

  2. PS. It would be even nicer if every post had a photo.

